TC Cassidy – Half Hearted Heart (feat. Buddy Miller)
It was a starry eyed 17-year-old TC Cassidy who excitedly rocked up to the Enmore Theatre in Newtown in the early 90’s to see two of her idols – Emmylou Harris and Buddy Miller – play live. An experience the young country singer would never forget. Fast forward to 2024 just a couple of years after making a return to country music after close to 30 years away from the scene – TC Cassidy received word that Grammy Award winner, Buddy Miller, agreed to sing on her new single, “Half Hearted Heart”. Completely beside herself, she became that excited teenager again.
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TC Cassidy – Half Hearted Heart (feat. Buddy Miller)
It was a starry eyed 17-year-old TC Cassidy who excitedly rocked up to the Enmore Theatre in Newtown in the early 90’s to see two of her idols – Emmylou Harris and Buddy Miller – play live. An experience the young country singer would never forget. Fast forward to 2024 just a couple of years after making a return to country music after close to 30 years away from the scene – TC Cassidy received word that Grammy Award winner, Buddy Miller, agreed to sing on her new single, “Half Hearted Heart”. Completely beside herself, she became that excited teenager again.
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