Love & Denial
Kelly Cork
Single Release

Kelly Cork – Love & Denial

In true Kelly Cork Style Love & Denial is a track delivered straight from his parents to him. It raises the question of, who had the love? and who had the denial?

As the story goes, it went both ways, but! his old man was well in front on the denial story. He was never quite there when it came to his home duties, but he could go fishing or head down to the local pub at the drop of a hat. Naturally, this didn’t stop Kelly from going with him, so maybe this track is full of his own denials.

The love part certainly had its moments in Kelly’s family home. His Ma always had plenty of flat lemonade for when someone was ill, or she’d be loving enough to pull a tangle out of your hair, even though it seemed like she was using a garden rake. According to Kelly, “Ma done her best”.

Listen to Love & Denial. You might even find a little bit of yourself in the story.


Written by: 

Kelly Cork

Album Label: 

Independent Kelly Cork

Love & Denial
Kelly Cork

Kelly Cork – Love & Denial

In true Kelly Cork Style Love & Denial is a track delivered straight from his parents to him. It raises the question of, who had the love? and who had the denial?

As the story goes, it went both ways, but! his old man was well in front on the denial story. He was never quite there when it came to his home duties, but he could go fishing or head down to the local pub at the drop of a hat. Naturally, this didn’t stop Kelly from going with him, so maybe this track is full of his own denials.

The love part certainly had its moments in Kelly’s family home. His Ma always had plenty of flat lemonade for when someone was ill, or she’d be loving enough to pull a tangle out of your hair, even though it seemed like she was using a garden rake. According to Kelly, “Ma done her best”.

Listen to Love & Denial. You might even find a little bit of yourself in the story.


Written by: 

Kelly Cork

Album Label: 

Independent Kelly Cork