Ben Walker – In The Sunshine
Singer Songwriter Ben Walker welcomes in 2025, and the Australian Summer, with the fun, upbeat Jazz Country single “In The Sunshine” from his recently released album “A Place I Like To Go To”.
Written with former duo partner Frank Burgo, there are hints of JJ Cale, and old school Jazz, beautifully crafted into Ben’s Country Folk style by long-time producer Thomas Keating.
As Ben says:
“I wanted to create an upbeat original, with a simple structure, like “After Midnight”. I sat down one evening and in my lyric book were some notes all relating to the feeling of absolute freedom I get on a hot summer’s day in Sydney – it had been a beautiful blue-sky day and the lyrics tumbled out in no time.
Frank worked his magic with the jazz spin and Thomas took on the challenge of producing something that fitted with my overall sound. It’s a fun, folky, upbeat explosion, and I can’t wait for it to get to radio!”.
Songwriters: Ben Walker, Francesco Burgo
Vocals: Ben Walker; Drums: Dan Berry; Bass Guitar: Callum Edwards; Guitar: Thomas Keating.
Produced, Mixed and Mastered – Thomas Keating, Sing Sing Studios, Melbourne
Ben Walker – In The Sunshine
Singer Songwriter Ben Walker welcomes in 2025, and the Australian Summer, with the fun, upbeat Jazz Country single “In The Sunshine” from his recently released album “A Place I Like To Go To”.
Written with former duo partner Frank Burgo, there are hints of JJ Cale, and old school Jazz, beautifully crafted into Ben’s Country Folk style by long-time producer Thomas Keating.
As Ben says:
“I wanted to create an upbeat original, with a simple structure, like “After Midnight”. I sat down one evening and in my lyric book were some notes all relating to the feeling of absolute freedom I get on a hot summer’s day in Sydney – it had been a beautiful blue-sky day and the lyrics tumbled out in no time.
Frank worked his magic with the jazz spin and Thomas took on the challenge of producing something that fitted with my overall sound. It’s a fun, folky, upbeat explosion, and I can’t wait for it to get to radio!”.
Songwriters: Ben Walker, Francesco Burgo
Vocals: Ben Walker; Drums: Dan Berry; Bass Guitar: Callum Edwards; Guitar: Thomas Keating.
Produced, Mixed and Mastered – Thomas Keating, Sing Sing Studios, Melbourne