Mama Thank You
Clayton Saunders

Clayton Saunders – Mama Thank You

Mama Thank You is a song I wrote as a special tribute to all the wonderful mother’s the world over. Those that are still with us and those who have sadly left us. In appreciation for the unconditional love, care and sacrifice they demonstrate every single day. As a child growing up and as a parent myself I understand the difficult decisions, the discipline and the sacrifices made for my benefit.

My humble advice is to appreciate your mother while you are blessed to still have her in your life. My mother passed away in India many years ago. I didn’t find out till a month after she was dead and buried. So I never got any closure and have had to deal with the loss and not saying goodbye as best as I could.

In my humble opinion the word Mother means ‘Home.’

Written by: 

Clayton Saunders

Album Label: 


Mama Thank You
Clayton Saunders

Clayton Saunders – Mama Thank You

Mama Thank You is a song I wrote as a special tribute to all the wonderful mother’s the world over. Those that are still with us and those who have sadly left us. In appreciation for the unconditional love, care and sacrifice they demonstrate every single day. As a child growing up and as a parent myself I understand the difficult decisions, the discipline and the sacrifices made for my benefit.

My humble advice is to appreciate your mother while you are blessed to still have her in your life. My mother passed away in India many years ago. I didn’t find out till a month after she was dead and buried. So I never got any closure and have had to deal with the loss and not saying goodbye as best as I could.

In my humble opinion the word Mother means ‘Home.’

Written by: 

Clayton Saunders

Album Label: